Leadership Management & Training for the 21st Century

LMT 21 The Vision for the Future

The Emotional Rollercoaster of Job Searching

Image from Presenter MediaLooking for a job today in this volatile economy can be an emotional rollercoaster ride. There are days where things seem to go right and then there are those days where you just want to crawl back in bed. Read more…

Why training is so vital in business today . . .

With such a volatile business environment, you need trained and motivated people in order to survive. The problem lies in that, when it comes to budget cuts, too many companies are cutting training from their budget.  That is the worst thing you can do.  Read more…

10 Reasons Why You Got KO’ed at the Interview

Image from Microsoft Images

One of the most important parts in the interview process is the ability to market “YOU” in a positive light. Communication is KEY. If you can’t communicate effectively through the hiring process and especially during the interview, they are not going to gamble on you. Read more…

A Recipe for a Successful Job Fair

Image from Microsoft Images

Job fairs are excellent places to learn, network, and land a job; however, they can also be very overwhelming.  Most people who attend job fairs are ill-prepared and truly don’t understand how to leverage this opportunity. If you are properly equipped, here are a few benefits of attending a job fair:

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5 Tips for a Successful LinkedIn Profile

Many of us struggle with creating a strong profile that truly markets our capabilities and strengths. I recently met with an established recruiter, Paul Mosley of Penobscot Executive Search, and together we reviewed my profile.  I wanted to share with you a few tips to ensure that you are maximizing this social tool to its FULLEST potential. Read more…

Job Hunting? Avoid “Shampoo Mentality”

Image from Microsoft Office ImagesI recently had the pleasure to speak to a group of unemployed professionals at the Lewiston Career Center who were seeking information on leveraging the latest social media in their job searching efforts. The main focus was on “What does their social digital footprint say about them?” How are they marketing themselves? What are they focusing their efforts on to maximize their resources? Read more…

How well do you market yourself in an interview?

Image from Microsoft Office Images

Communication within the interview is very important.  You truly have to develop your communication skills in order to convey the value you can bring to the position and to the company.  It’s all about marketing yourself.  If a potential employer met you in an elevator, could you effectively communicate to him or her in 30 seconds why they should hire you?  If “marketing yourself” is something you struggle with, it is time to take charge of your particular “brand” and sell, sell, sell!

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You Want a Strong Team? Hire a Veteran to Lead It!

Image is from Microsoft Images Webpage

I recently conducted an unemployment class for veterans who were struggling to get back into the work force. The majority of them didn’t truly understand how to communicate to hiring managers how their elite leadership skills and their military background could bring value to the organization that hired them. Here are a few attributes that most veterans possess that could bring immediate results to any organization.

Leadership:  Veterans were put into leadership roles every day during their service.  Veterans understand how to lead by example. Veterans have mastered the concepts of direction, delegation, motivation, and inspiration.  These leadership skills have been put to the test in the highest intensity situations where lives are at stake.

Team Dynamics:  The United States Military is the epitome of team dynamics. Veterans are trained to work within group dynamics to maximize their resources within their team. Veterans have been trained to work within a multicultural diverse group. They work side by side with members of their own branch and with the other armed services regardless of race, gender, ethnic background, or religion. They understand that their team is only as strong as its weakest link and look for opportunities to address that.

Work Ethic:  The work ethic of a veteran is unparalleled because military members know that their life and the success of the mission ultimately depends on the job that they do and the job that their teammates do.  They set high goals and standards for themselves because, in the military, mediocrity isn’t good enough or acceptable.  When it comes to adversity, veterans only see this as a minor bump in the road.  They have dealt with adversity in levels unparalleled to their civilian counterparts.  If a military member is unable to deal with adversity, people’s lives are placed on the line.  Backing down when the going gets tough is not an option for military veterans.  Military veterans have extensive experience dealing with and meeting tight timelines.  They have no problem putting in the extra effort it sometimes takes to get things done on schedule.

Understanding and Adapting to Change: In the military, change is a constant.  While in the service, the veterans were continually required to learn new skills, jobs, and procedures. Veterans are extremely adaptable to any situation and are masters of adapting and learning on the fly under extreme and stressful conditions.  The military veterans of today and recent years are trained utilizing the latest technology. Most of the training that veterans receive surpasses that available to civilians.

Health and Safety Awareness:  Veterans have received extensive training in health and workplace safety awareness so that it has become second nature. This training translates to safety awareness and protection for their fellow employees and your company assets.

In closing, there are many benefits to be derived from hiring veterans.  If you want to build a strong team, start by hiring a veteran to lead and be part of that team. You won’t be disappointed.

The above image is from Microsoft Images Webpage.

Understanding your transferable skills in your job search

First, I want to say understanding what your transferable skills are, is not always an easy task.   Some of the most intelligent people I knew had difficulty defining theirs (including me at one point).  Read more…

As a Job Seeker What does your “Social Footprint” say about you?

Understand this, as a job seeker, you need to know that a majority of companies today will Google your name before inviting you in for an interview. Companies today are very concerned about their reputation on social media. Before they hire you, they want to make sure that you will represent them in a positive light.  Read more…

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